The Flood Protection Authority was established after Hurricane Katrina as the regional governmental body responsible for a restored, strengthened and enhanced multi-parish integrated hurricane and flood protection system.

More than a million neighbors in New Orleans and its surrounding areas are better protected from Hurricane-driven flooding today than ever before. The $14.6 billion Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System (HSDRRS) is comprised of levees, floodwalls, floodgates, surge barriers and pump stations. It provides defense against a 100-year storm surge for the citizens of Southeast Louisiana, including Orleans, Jefferson, and St. Bernard Parishes.

You can email The Flood Protection Authority Public Information Director directly at [email protected] or submit your request to [email protected] . Please include deadline information so we can respond to your request as quickly as possible.

Email Public Information Director Stacy Gilmore directly at [email protected] or submit your request to [email protected]. Please include deadline information so we can respond to your request as quickly as possible.

All requests for public records should be addressed to the Custodian of Public Records:

Ruby Gethers, Notary Public/Paralegal II
Flood Protection Authority

6920 Franklin Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70122
Phone: 504-286-3189
Fax: 504-283-1855
Email: publicrecords@floodauthority.org


You can sign up for public and emergency alerts, including information regarding flood gate closures and openings, by clicking here: